Specialized Guarding
A specially trained security officer performs services tailored to the needs of medium-sized and large businesses, since the services require customer knowledge and a close relationship.
The services are tailored according to the customer’s business and needs, and they vary greatly. They may involve various types of access/exit control with or without technical support, or service-oriented services, for example, in public environments, or monitoring business-critical equipment.This is our most frequently offered security service in all cities.
Aviation Security
Security services that are tailored to an airport and all its stakeholders. In the countries that allow private security companies to operate airports, we can provide complete security solutions for airports, authorities, airlines and other airport-related businesses.
This often involves property protection, access control, screening of passengers, baggage and cargo, profiling and ID-control of passengers, as well as searching and guarding aircraft.
Security Services in University
Developing a safe and secure environment in this academic institution is the responsibility of the entire community. The primary responsibility for protection of persons and property within the McMaster community is assigned to the Security Services Department.
Methods and approaches to assist in achieving a safe and secure environment are developed through prevention programs and law enforcement in concert with the community.
The department exists for one main purpose and that is to support the goals of the higher education community. It exists to assist those who seek and those who impart knowledge, as well as those who provide support to the mission of the institution. The Security Services Department endeavors to preserve and maintain an environment where diverse social, cultural and academic values are allowed to develop and prosper.
All members of the Department are expected to actively participate in achievement of our goals and in the services of the University. It is only through the collective efforts of the community that the mission will be accomplished.